Thursday 29 May 2008

Popcorn Prices Puff Up

The increasing use of corn to produce ethanol for cars has sent prices of the staple soaring -- not only in the supermarket, but also at the concessions counters at theaters. The AMC theater chain increased the price of its popcorn 25 cents last weekend. Larry Etter, chairman of the National Association of Concessionaires, told ABC News Tuesday that theaters are also having to deal with higher paper pulp prices, which boosts the costs of the paper bags and tubs for the popcorn as well as the cups for sodas. Moreover, higher fuel prices drive up delivery costs. The price rise at the concessions counter comes at a time when many theaters are also raising ticket prices -- in some cities to more than $10 each. Since the beginning of the year, the average ticket price has risen 3 percent -- on top of last year's 5 percent rise.

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